Cybersecurity Portfolio

Jordin Myers | Cybersecurity Student

Recent Projects

Project Name Description Tools Used Date Project Link
Simulated Security Audit Conducted a Security Audit over a fictional company for Google's Cybersecurity Certificate. Filled out a Controls and Compliance Checklist which required me to review the company's security controls such as password policies, firewall, IDS, antivirus software, encryption, and physical security. Critical-Thinking September 2024 Controls and Compliance Checklist
Simulated Incident Report Analysis A simulated incident report analysis detailing a DDoS attack using ICMP packet flooding that exploited a misconfigured firewall. Utilized the NIST CSF to complete the report. Critical-Thinking September 2024 Incident Report Analysis
File Permissions in Linux Using linux commands I updated the file permissions for certain files and directories to meet my organization's policies. Used a CLI to execute various commands to complete the tasks at hand. Linux CLI September 2024 File Permssions in Linux
Apply Filters to SQL Queries I applied filters to SQL queries to get specific information on login attempts and employee machines as well as completed other security-related tasks. SQL Queries, Linux CLI September 2024 Apply Filters to SQL Queries